Spiderman gay xxx parody

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(The superhero also couldn’t “use foul language,” smoke, abuse alcohol, have sex before he turned 16 or torture. In the words of Gawker, who originally reported on the leak, “Wow, Spider-Man is a fucking dork.” It wasn’t that long ago when Sony got hacked, resulting in the revelation that - according to a legal licensing agreement between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel Entertainment - the Spider-Man character had to be a straight while male.

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The Spider-Man gay porn parody offers a friendly neighborhood crime-fighter who swings both ways.

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Spider-Man, one of the most beloved franchises in Marvel’s plethora of comics titles, is getting the gay porn parody treatment, courtesy of Men.com. If you’ve ever wanted to see that famous “upside-down kiss” between Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst recreated with two guys, here’s your chance.

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